Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The nasty, make me want to die rat lab, Days 2 & 3

So days two and three have passed now, I still don't like it. So Fred, the rat, is kind of stupid. He doesn't want to do the things that he is supposed to and just sits there and looks at us. BLAH. We don't like him that much. We are trying to get him to press a bar and he just won't do it. We think he is a pretty boy because he spends most of his time cleaning himself, seriously how many times can you do that in an hour. Hopefully he will pass of the second task tomorrow... he is the only one who hasn't. We want to exchange him for a new rat...


  1. Poor Fred, tell him Auntie Sara is rooting for him!

  2. I need pictures of this "pretty boy". Love mom

  3. Rachel, I am so proud of you! When I talked to you at Sara's shower you weren't sure you were going to be able to the rats. And look at you now! You have given one a nickname! Good luck!
