Monday, September 28, 2009

The nasty, make me want to die rat lab, Day #1

So today was the first day of the dreaded rat lab. My rat is a nasty little albino rat with beady red eyes and a long nasty pink tail. Luckily, I have a really nice lab partner who will actually do all the handling of the rat.... So we brought the rat out and I got all lightheaded and dizzy and wanted to faint.... yeah that would have been embarrassing. Today we had to train him, or Fred the Death Creature, to respond to a sound signaling the availability of water. Yeah, Fred wasn't that smart... hopefully he will catch on tomorrow... All in all, I still HATE rats, and I am dreading the next 3 weeks...


  1. Ewww! I would say that the name you've given him is quite appropriate.

  2. okay, my word verification for the last comment was RATID hahaha!

  3. Wahoo! Yeah for a nice lab partner! Good luck Rach! You can do it!
