I raked up all the leaves in my front yard and then my landlord called and got mad at me because I raked them to the wrong area of the yard... yeah, I know...
On 11/11/11 my good friends Kelsey and Jason (my equestrian team coach) got married. I was one of their bridesmaids and I was so happy to share in their special day. They got married at Sundance and it was gorgeous!
The next weekend (I think, I honestly don't remember) we went to Bozeman, Montana for a horse show at MSU....
The next few are of the second show..... We had to wear helmets for this one. Yeah, gross.
Then Lindsey Brown came up for a visit. We had a ton of fun doing everything on her list....
And finally... Christmas with the roommates. We had a little Christmas night and took some pictures in front of the tree :), but now they are both moved out :(. One graduated, and the other is getting married. When they sell their contracts, I will be up to 34 roommates... yikes, I am think I am done. If I could afford it, I would buy their contracts so I could live by myself. Please pray that I get normal roommates.
The semester is FINALLY over!!! It has probably been one of the busiest semesters I have had with school full time working 2 jobs 40 hours a week, and joining the equestrian team. I have been exhausted the whole time, and kept thinking, I need to give something up. The problem is, I didn't want to give any of it up, so I just kept on going and going.... like the energizer bunny. And hey, I still managed to pull off fairly decent grades (thank goodness). Now I don't have to think for three blissful weeks. I plan on resting up and getting a lot of sleep so that I can make it through my last, yes that's right my LAST semester of college!!! Hallelujah!!
Merry Christmas!!!!